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Sunday, February 1, 2009


Ben going off some jumps!!
Ben coming at me doing a wheelie!
Ben riding around on the 4-wheeler
My Wheeler!

Sunday ben and I went riding, Ben does so good on his dirtbike! He found a really good jump and got some big air!! He is a lot of fun to watch cause he rides on every hill and tries to turn everything into a jump. He also taught me how to go off a jump on my 4-wheeler. It was not a big jump at all but I was way proud of myself that I could get all 4 tires off the ground!


Gus and Hank said...

Da Bomb is the Bomb, wish I were there. Can't wait for Gator fries and Willow Flat. Start packing your bags for the Swell the first of May. How come no action shots of Jenn tearing it up?
Later Gus

Anonymous said...

It still makes me nervous to see you do those jumps... I remember down at The would tap your feet together coming off of those jumps! Make a "mothers" heart sink.

Davey & Alicia said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! Im glad the weather was good for ya!

Jaker said...

Wow it seems like every day i think about the bomb and how much i miss her.