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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Parade

In my mom's class there was a boy who was all dressed up like a girl. It was so funny! He looked like a pretty girl! He even wore heels!
My mom walking her class around for the parade!

Hallie was all dressed up like Hannah Montana!
North Ogden Elementary has a Halloween parade at their school every year. I met up with Laura so I could see Hallie all dressed up. There were some pretty funny costumes, we saw spongebob, Napolean Dynamite, Cats, and everything else it was fun.


The Lewis' said...

Oh so cute! Your pictures turned out WAY better than mine!

Daniel and Kelsie Frandsen said...

That is so funny i love that girl costume!! Hallie is so cute my niece's LOVE hannah montana :-)

The Kohlers said...

Cute pics!! That boy looks pretty good! You and Ben better get going so you can post some pics of your little ones in their halloween costumes!! (all 6 of them) HA HA