8 Things I am looking forward to...
1- Finishing school
2- Buying a house
3- Getting some dogs
4- Having Ben finish school
5- go on a cruise
6- 1 year anniversary!
7- Going camping with our new toy
8- selling my car
8 Things I did yesterday...
1-Went to a bridal shower
2-Went shopping
3-Went with Rachel
4- Hung out with my brothers
5- Spilled diet coke all over me and my car
6- Went to bed
7- Took a nap
8- Hung out with Hallie Mae
8 things I wish I could do...
1- Go shopping every day
2- Work in a salon right now!
3- Go on vacations
4- Have a house
5- Spend more time with Ben
6- have more patience
7- Get a bedroom set!
8 shows I watch....
1-South Park
2-Family Guy
3-the Office
4-Ghost Hunters
5-Daisy of Love
6- Real World
~ I don't watch much tv~
8 People Tagged.......
3- Jackie
4- Kari
5- Karlie
6- yeah... whoever wants to haha